Grâce aux différents retours de nos clients, la prise en main de la solution peut désormais se faire en 3 étapes rapides. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer leur profil, leur première signature et la diffuser dans tous leurs emails avec facilité.
La première impression est essentielle quand il s’agit de présenter à un client un nouveau produit ou un service. C’est le moment qui détermine s’il utilisera le produit de façon constante ou s’il l’oubliera et le quittera. La mise en place d’un processus d’onboarding utilisateur approprié est donc fondamentale pour le fidéliser et créer une première bonne impression.
L’onboarding utilisateur consiste à introduire un client à un produit ou un service. C’est une étape importante après la vente qui caractérise la relation qu’aura le client avec le produit. Plus important encore, il montre la valeur du produit en orientant l’utilisateur vers son objectif.
Près de 75% des utilisateurs sont perdus au cours de la première semaine* d’utilisation d’un produit. Ils résilient parce qu’ils ne comprennent pas le produit ou n’en voient pas la valeur.L’onboarding garantit que le client perçoit et expérimente la valeur recherchée de manière simple et transparente. Il le guide dans son parcours sur la plateforme et illustre les aspects du produit pour lesquels il a initialement souscrit.
Restez simple : l’onboarding doit être décomposé en étapes simples à exécuter qui guideront le client vers son objectif, tout en soulignant la valeur première du produit.Illustrez la progression : visualiser la ligne d’arrivée est le meilleur facteur de motivation pour terminer une course. Un outil qui indique la progression de l’utilisateur et ce qui lui reste à accomplir l’encouragera à commencer et à terminer le processus d’onboarding.Rendez-le facultatif : certaines personnes préfèrent comprendre par elles-mêmes. Le fait de proposer un bouton ‘Ignorer’ permet au client d’être libre de son choix et d’adapter le parcours à tous les profils.
*Why User Onboarding is the Most Important Part of the Customer Journey | Source
Yes, with the 'Campaigns' offer, it is possible to track the number of clicks on the email signatures of all your employees in the 'Statistics' area of the platform.
You can then access a detailed or global view of the number of clicks on the email signatures of each employee. You can use the search option to target a specific signature or a given period. Finally, you have the possibility to export all statistics to an Excel document.
If you launch campaigns with banners inserted in your email signatures, you can also access their performance via this same space.
With Letsignit, you can easily add social network icons in your collaborators' email signatures and link to your company pages. Also, our "attributes" feature allows you to manage personalized URLs for each of your collaborators such as their individual LinkedIn profile.
And that's not all: you can add links to an appointment-setting application, allow your customers to leave reviews easily, and integrate our 'Chat on Teams' widget to let anyone start a discussion via Microsoft Teams chat.
It’s up to you! As an administrator of the Letsignit platform, you choose whether or not to grant modification rights to your employees. These permissions are managed on an attribute-by-attribute basis, which means that you can decide to allow the employee to change their phone number, but not the address of your premises, for example.
This feature applies to all attributes in your directory, including custom attributes created on Letsignit. When your employees change one or more attributes, your directory is obviously not affected.
It often happens that employees make their email signature their own: custom format, bad fonts, colors inconsistent with the brand standards... all of this has an impact on your brand!
A consistent visual identity is considered authentic and outperforms a perceived weak one by 20%. And, your customers are 2.4 times more likely to buy your products.
With Letsignit, take back control over your brand identity by standardizing all your email signatures. Our tool has many features that allow you to customize your signatures by department, by audience or by subsidiary. Not to mention the possibility of carrying out campaigns within your email signatures thanks to our Campaign offer.
What is the user experience like for our employees?
In both cases:
In short, they have autonomy in their email signature, but you keep control on the field, signatures, and banners they can edit or use.
With our "multi-signature" feature, your employees can benefit from multiple email signatures. No technical manipulation is required. Thanks to our Add-in for Outlook or the desktop app, they can change their email signatures as they wish with just a few clicks.
Regarding the creation of email signatures, you can make several variations such as:
Everything has been thought of to go further in the personalization process based on the recipient of your emails.
If sending emails has an impact, non-optimized email signatures also have an impact. An unsuitable format or an image that is too heavy considerably increases the size of your signatures... and therefore, your emails.
As a responsible economic actor, we contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions and those of our customers in several ways:
As we are increasingly involved in sustainability initiatives, our priority in 2023 is to develop even more green IT functionality.
If sending emails has an impact, non-optimized email signatures also have an impact. An unsuitable format or an image that is too heavy considerably increases the size of your signatures... and therefore, your emails.
As a responsible economic actor, we contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions and those of our customers in several ways:
As we are increasingly involved in sustainability initiatives, our priority in 2023 is to develop even more green IT functionality.